Brohave Naturpark:
Brohave Naturpark kan købes med eller uden bestående bolig. Den bestående bolig er et husmandssted midt i parken.
Boligen har ikke været i brug i mange år og kan nedlægges og erstattes af et byggeri på et smukt, højt udsigtspunkt 20 m syd for de bestående bygninger.
Alternativt kan en historisk og smuk firelænget gård, som også ligger inden for rammerne af Naturparken, indgå i handlen. Se i menuen under "Statenegården"
Naturparken har en god bestand af kron- og dåvildt. Bestanden har hidtil været reguleret ved udleje af dagsjagt med mulighed for overnatning. Se nedenstående
Info vedr. Brohave Naturpark:
Brohave Naturpark er naturmæssig forbundet med et af Fyns smukkeste
naturområder, Vejstrup Ådal og grænser ned til Vejstrup Å og til Skårupsund
ca. 10 km nordøst for Svendborg.
Parkens enestående natur (ca. 40 tdr. l.) består bl.a. af gammel fredet
natur og stævningsskov med meget rig faunamæssig diversitet. Parkens kuperede
terræn rummer mindre vandløb, søer og moser, samt gode græsnings- og dækningsområder for vildtet.
4) Brohave Naturpark
Stu Stuehuset på "Skovly" er ikke restaureringsværdigt og der er forberedt højereliggende byggegrund med unik udsigt til hav og sø, vingård og køkkenhaveøer mod øst og hjorteparken fra øst til nordvest - Stor nøddeplantage og urgammel fredskov fanger udsynet mod nord. Smuk solop- og nedgang året rundt. ca. 12 ha. er dyrehegn med kron-og dådyr. Der er masser af dækningsområder for vildtet og standjagt er en udfordring, som absolut ikke giver gevinst hver gang. Der er ikke offentlig adgang til naturpark. Naturen har sin egen ret og livet i naturparken er minimalt påvirket af menneske-aktiviteter. Nåletræsremisser og plantager med storfrugtet hassel bidrager til biodiversiteten - mus, sorte egern og alle deres flyvende som firbenede predatorer lige fra brud til grævling. søen, vandhuller og vandløb gæstes af diverse ænder, gæs, isfugl og undertiden af vandstær. Skovens gamle træer byder på føde og boliger til mejser og spætter. Mest interessant har ikke blot det sorte egern med også dannet kernebiotop, som spreder sit afkom ud i til øvrige biotoper på egnen.
Buy Brohave Nature
Brohave Nature Park
can be purchased with or without existing housing. The existing residence is a
smallholding in the middle of the park.
The home has not been
in use for many years and can be dismantled and replaced by a building on a
beautiful, high vantage point 20 m south of the existing buildings.
Alternatively, a
historic and beautiful four-winged farm, which is also located within the
framework of the Nature Park, can be included in the trade. Look in the menu
under "Statenegården"
The nature park has a
good population of crown and fallow deer. Until now, the population has been
regulated by renting out day hunting with the possibility of accommodation. See
Info about Brohave
Nature Park:
Brohave Nature Park
is naturally connected to one of Funen's most beautiful natural areas, Vejstrup
Ådal and borders Vejstrup Å and Skårupsund about 10 km northeast of Svendborg.
The park's unique
nature (approx. 40 tdr. l.) consists of old protected nature and coppice forest
with very rich faunal diversity. The park's hilly terrain contains smaller
streams, lakes and bogs, as well as good grazing and cover areas for the game.
Brohave Nature Park
Stu The house on "Skovly" is not worthy of restoration and a
higher building plot has been prepared with unique views of the sea and lake,
vineyard and vegetable garden islands to the east and the deer park from east
to northwest - Large nut plantation and ancient conservation forest catch the view to
the north. Beautiful sunrise and sunset all year round. about 12 ha. are
animal fences with crown and fallow deer. There are plenty of coverage areas
for the game and stand hunting is a challenge that absolutely does not pay off
every time. There is no public access to the natural park. Nature has its own
right and life in the natural park is minimally affected by human activities.
Coniferous remisses and plantations of large-fruited hazel contribute to
biodiversity - mice, black squirrels and all their flying like four-legged
predators ranging from bride to badger. the lake, waterholes and streams are
visited by various ducks, geese, kingfishers and sometimes by water starlings.
The forest's old trees offer food and housing for chisels and woodpeckers. Most
interestingly, not only has the black squirrel also formed a core biotope,
which spreads its offspring to other biotopes in the area.
The forest floor of the peace forest is botanically unique, not only yellow
anemones and cuckoo herbs, but also relatively rare orchids such as the
egg-leaved tick lip.
Buy Brohave Nature
Brohave Nature Park
can be purchased with or without existing housing. The existing residence is a
smallholding in the middle of the park.
The home has not been
in use for many years and can be dismantled and replaced by a building on a
beautiful, high vantage point 20 m south of the existing buildings.
Alternatively, a
historic and beautiful four-winged farm, which is also located within the
framework of the Nature Park, can be included in the trade. Look in the menu
under "Statenegården"
The nature park has a
good population of crown and fallow deer. Until now, the population has been
regulated by renting out day hunting with the possibility of accommodation. See